Odd Song Lyrics That Yield Business Success

Written By Dave Lavinsky
icon of a vinyl record player with two musical notes on top

The other day on my drive to work I heard a song on Pandora. The song was called “Just the Girl.” And it’s by the band ‘The Click Five.’ I’d never heard of the band nor the song, but one of the lyrics caught my attention:

“She laughs at my dreams. But I dream about her laughter”

This line caught my attention because it reminded me of two extremely important mindset principles for entrepreneurs.

1. You must separate yourself from people who laugh at your dreams

“She laughs at my dreams.” Imagine hanging out with someone who laughed at your dreams. Do you think that would help or hurt you? Clearly it would hurt you. And I think it would be near impossible to achieve your dreams when surrounded by such negativity.

In fact, motivational speaker Jim Rohn once said, “You are the average of the 5 people with whom you spend the most time.” This is absolutely true. When you hang out with successful people, the conversation is generally optimistic. You hear what the others are achieving, how they are overcoming obstacles, etc. And you adapt their positive thinking and can-do attitude which prompts your success.

Alternatively, when surrounded by negative people, you hear how they primarily talk about their struggles, how they blame others for their problems, and so on. You get brought down, and you start thinking negatively too. The result: you never achieve your goals.

So, the first lesson here is to separate yourself from losers and hang out with winners. There are many ways to achieve this. One of the easiest is to find and attend local business and entrepreneurial events. Another is to find a mentor or assemble a Board of Advisors. In each of these cases, you’ll soon be spending time with winners, and their success and mindset will rub off on you.

2. The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is basically defined as this: you get what you think about most. So, if you’re constantly thinking about what can go wrong in life and/or your business, things will go wrong. But, if you constantly stay positive and think about success, you’ll achieve success.

“But I dream about her laughter.”  In this line, the singer is thinking positively. He’s dreaming about her laughing; so that is what he’ll attract/get.

In your business, you do this by setting goals for what you want to achieve. Then, think about achieving your goals and do it often. Visualize yourself achieving the goals too. Doing so is proven to dramatically improve your success.

Pretty Clever

Looking at the line as a whole — “She laughs at my dreams. But I dream about her laughter” — you can see how clever it is. Even though she’s a negative influence in general, he turns it into a positive.

Even more clever is for you to surround yourself with successful entrepreneurs. Their mentality and success will rub off on you. And set your goals and dream about achieving them. When you do these things, you’ll start achieving a lot more success. You’ll achieve your goals and start creating even bigger and bolder ones.


Suggested Resource: As you just learned, the way you think as an entrepreneur is absolutely critical to your success. In fact, it’s arguably the most important factor in your success. Check out our Millionaire Mindset program to learn how to improve the way you think so you achieve more entrepreneurial success.

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